One-Day Workshop Unravels the Secrets of Scientific Writing and Systematic Review

In a concerted effort to enhance research expertise and cultivate a culture of scholarly excellence, academics and researchers converged at the Public Health Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University for a transformative one-day workshop dedicated to unravelling the intricacies of scientific writing and systematic review. The workshop, held on September 21st, 2023, proved to be an invaluable opportunity for attendees, including MPH students, PhD candidates, and academic staff from Udayana University, to refine their research skills, explore advanced methodologies, and engage with field experts.

The workshop commenced with a warm welcome from Dr. Anak Agung Sagung Sawitri, the Head of the Master of Public Health Program at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University. The morning session delved into the art of scientific writing, offering detailed explanations about various types of reviews and the processes involved in undertaking a systematic review for international publication, led by Dr. I Nyoman Sutarsa. Facilitator elucidated the systematic review process, guiding participants from formulating research questions to conducting comprehensive literature searches and critically appraising studies. Attendees gained insights into diverse types of systematic reviews, including meta-analyses and qualitative syntheses, equipping them with the knowledge to undertake rigorous, unbiased, and replicable reviews. Hands-on activities provided attendees with opportunities to engage with real-world case studies, honing their ability to assess the quality of existing research and synthesise varied findings into meaningful conclusions.

The significance of structured and coherent writing was emphasized throughout the workshop. Participants explored techniques for crafting compelling introductions and articulating robust methodologies. Practical exercises utilising the Pomodoro Method (25 minutes writing and 5 minutes break) enabled participants to refine their writing skills, ensuring that their research proposal or findings could resonate with a broader audience.

As the workshop concluded, attendees departed inspired and armed with newfound knowledge and skills. Dr. Anak Agung Sagung Sawitri, the event organiser, expressed gratitude to the participants and speakers, reaffirming the institution's commitment to fostering a vibrant research community. The resounding success of the one-day workshop underscored the importance of continuous learning and collaboration in advancing the frontiers of knowledge. Attendees left not only with enhanced expertise but also with a shared commitment to elevating the standards of scientific inquiry.

The impact of this transformative workshop is poised to reverberate through research endeavours, contributing significantly to a future enriched by innovative scholarship and evidence-based insights.