Information on FETP Indonesia Masters Education Scholarships 2023


Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) di Indonesia adalah suatu program pendidikan magister epidemiologi lapangan dengan metode learning by doing dan berbasis kompetensi dengan tujuan untuk memperkuat sistem surveilans dan respons di Indonesia melalui penguatan sumber daya manusia di bidang epidemiologi lapangan. Kurikulum yang diterapkan di FETP merupakan adaptasi dari kurikulum Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) yang merupakan program pelatihan epidemiologi terapan oleh U.S. CDC yang diakui secara global. Beasiswa Pendidikan Magister Epidemiologi Lapangan atau FETP adalah beasiswa yang ditawarkan oleh Health Security Partners (HSP) yang bekerjasama dengan U.S. CDC dan Sekretariat FETP Indonesia, Direktorat Surveilans dan Karantina Kesehatan Kemenkes RI. Beasiswa ini diperuntukkan bagi Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) di bidang kesehatan untuk menempuh jenjang pendidikan magister FETP. Pendidikan FETP memiliki kekhasan jika dibandingkan dengan program pendidikan magister di bidang kesehatan lainnya. FETP mengkombinasikan kuliah di kampus dengan praktik lapangan. Institusi pendidikan penyelenggara Program Magister Epidemiologi Lapangan terdiri dari lima universitas yaitu Universitas Indonesia (Depok), Universitas Gadjah Mada (Yogyakarta), Universitas Airlangga (Surabaya), Universitas Udayana (Denpasar), dan Universitas Hasanuddin (Makassar).

Requirements for prospective scholarship recipients:
1. Active Civil Servants (Ministry of Health, Provincial and District/City Health Offices, Port Health Offices, Regional Health Training Centers, Hospitals, Community Health Centers, and health center service networks)
2. Have at least 1 year work experience as a Civil Servant
3. Maximum age of 45 years on September 1, 2023
4. Civil Servants who hold structural positions must be willing to be dismissed from the position
5. Civil servants who hold functional positions must be willing to be temporarily relieved of their duties
6. Do not have a degree according to the level of education to be taken (master level)
7. Not given a moderate or serious disciplinary sentence in the last 2 years
8. Not in the process of transferring to another institution
9. Have the motivation for a career in the Field of Disease Surveillance and Control
10. Only for regular classes 11. The study program provided is the Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) and must be linear with previous education and/or current position.
12. Study programs are available at five universities, namely the University of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, Airlangga University, Udayana University, and Hasanuddin University.
13. Willing to undergo entrance tests for FETP one of the universities
14. Willing to start education in September 2023

Dokumen persyaratan calon penerima beasiswa sebagai berikut:
1. Fill out the Registration Form on the link below:
2. CV (upload)
3. Scan SK Appointment of Civil Servants (upload)
4. Scan SK rank or last position (upload)
5. Scan of Employee Performance Assessment for the last two years with each element having at least sufficient value (upload)
6. Scan of S1 diploma and transcript (upload)
7. Scan proof of accreditation of study programs with at least B accreditation or equivalent according to BAN PT/LAM PT Kes, can be in the form of a screenshot from the website (upload)
8. Scholarship recommendation letters will be sent directly via email by HSP to the applicant's lead email, according to the information written in the registration application.

1. Scholarship funding comes from HSP in collaboration with U.S. CDC.
2. Participants who will be funded are participants listed in the 2023 FETP Indonesia Masters Education Scholarship Determination Decree.
3. Scholarship funding is valid from odd 2023 until the education period is according to the curriculum (two years).
4. The components and amount of the scholarship given to participants are:
a. Education Fees are determined according to the Official Tariff Pattern (Chancellor's Decree or statutory provisions) consist of Tuition Fees and Development Contribution Fees, as well as Matriculation.
b. Non-Educational Costs determined in accordance with Ministry of Finance Regulations consisting of living expenses and book assistance costs.
c. Research Assistance Fee set by the Ministry of Finance
d. Other Assistance Expenses consisting of arrival and return fees.

Date (subject to change) Application Deadline: March 31, 2023
Announcement To Participate in Interview Selection: 05 May 2023
Scholarship Graduation Announcement: 04 August 2023