FETP Udayana at the National Conference on Epidemiologi at Bandung

National Scientific Conference of Epidemiology (NSCE) is annual conference held by the Ministry of Health, Department of Surveillance and Health Quarantine – Field Epidemiology of Indonesia, which specifically presents update topics on Epidemiology and its practice in Indonesia. The location of conference usually is rolling to allow the active participation of FETP at seven Universities in Indonesia, as the committee. This year, the conference was held in Bandung West Java, on 20-23 of August 2024, where FETP University of Indonesia become the committee member.

FETP Udayana students, I Wayan Darsana, Happy Kusuma Mulya, Ni Gusti Ayu Mitha Yuliani, who have accepted for oral presentation, and also Ni Wayan Ari Suantari who have accepted for poster presentation, attended the NSCE conference currently. In addition to students, FETP academic mentor Sang Gede Purnama, and field mentors Komang Suardani, Wayan Sugihana, Putu Dwi Adi, Eka Purnama Sari, and I Made Arta were attend too. 

The students also joined training held at preconference about Communication skill: Risk Assesment, data vizualitation and epidemic intelegence from open source oleh dr Musthofa Kamal, Msc dari WHO Indonesia and Preparedness and resilience for health threats oleh dr Endang Widuri Wulandari, M.Epid dari WHO. 

The first day plenary conference was presented by capable resources persons to talk about Multi-Source Surveillance: Triwibowo Ambar Garjito from BRIN, Dr Mamenun, M.Si from BMKG, and Abdurahman from ASEAN BioDiaspora Virtual Center. At the afternoon session, the students have opportunity to present their topics: I wayan Darsana - Community Based Surveillance Learning – Rabies Alert Team (TISIRA) for Bali Free of Rabies; Ni Gusti Ayu Mitha Yuliani - Leptospirosis Outbreak Investigation in Buleleng Regency, Bali Province 2024, and Happy Kusuma Mulya - Measles Outbreak Among Adults Population in Belok Village, Badung Regency, Bali Province 2024. 

The second day plenary session presented One Health topics by dr Endang Widuri Wulandari dari WHO Indonesia; Prof Wiku Bakti Bawono from BNPB, drh Gunawan Setiaji from direktorat jendral peternakan dan kesehatan hewan kementrian pertanian and Prof dr Mondastri from University of Indonesia. Ni Wayan Ari Suantari, has opportunity to present her poster – entitled Determining of priority health problem of Tuberculosis program in Gianyar, Bali Province, at the parallel session this day. Lastly, the afternoon session was held a plenary session about Data Integration by Ir Lydia Rosa from balai besar biomedis dan genomika kesehatan, Kemenkes, Kambang Sariadi from Balai Besar Laboratorium Biologi KESEHATAN and Dr dr Hariadi Wibisono from PAEI. At the end of third day plenary, Gala Dinner NSCE 11 was held. Students from FETP Udayana presented the performance of JANGER and Joged dance. 

Even though the FETP students failed to obtain medal and award, this event provide a lot of benefits to enrich student’s experience in publication and dissemination their field research; as well as to learn from other FETP students from Universities in Indonesia.