Evaluation of learning process and curriculum of Udayana Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP)
In an effort to maintain the quality of FETP learning process that takes place on campus and in field learning facilities (wahana), the FETP Udayana held a meeting to discuss the FETP curriculum and learning on July 9 2023. This activity was attended by the Coordinator of Public Health Masters Study Program, Chair of the FETP Udayana Stream, FETP lecturers, FETP alumni, Bali Provincial Health Office, Buleleng Regency Family Planning Service, field mentors from eight districts in Bali, as well as FETP students’ of 2022 batch.
In this meeting, the latest developments related to FETP Udayana and FETP Indonesia were presented, the FETP learning curriculum and proposed changes, the field learning process and the challenges encountered in the field, etc. The event continued with discussion among all participants. The discussion took place interactively where input came from several parties. Some examples are: The Bali Provincial Health Service suggested the need to update investigative materials such as case studies for detecting emerging outbreaks and emphasizes the need for learning spatial analysis as obligatory for FETP students. The Buleleng District Family Planning Service suggested creating an interactive version of the Student Logbook for academic supervisors, mentors and students, while alumni suggested that students should not be limited in their work in investigations because of the importance of experience in determining field investigation skills. In addition, obstacles related to the low interest of prospective students to apply for field epidemiology and efforts to overcome them were discussed. Field supervisors or mentors also want to hold online seminars related to student assignments so that they can be updated with the latest information.
This activity went well and produced many items to be followed up together, particularly to improve the curriculum and learning process. It is hoped that recommendations or input can immediately be realized in student learning, especially for the next year student’s batch.
(Photo session after completion of meeting)