End-of-Semester Evaluation News

The Coordinator of the Master's Program of Public Health (MIKM) conducted evaluation and monitoring activities for students enrolled in the cohorts of 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020. The M&E monitoring were start by presentation of the progress of each batch and how they can succeed to graduate timely. The presentation was followed by the discussion with the coordinator and lecturers.  

The evaluation for the 2023 cohort took place on [date], focusing on assessing the learning outcomes of the first semester and reinforcing effective learning strategies to ensure timely graduation. The coordinator reminded students to consistently utilize their academic advisors, including initiating discussions on thesis topics with their thesis advisors, as early as possible.

Activities for the 2022 cohort (held on [date]) were aimed at encouraging students to advance with their thesis proposals as they entered the final semester of their third semester. Discussions addressed anticipated challenges in thesis preparation and strategies for overcoming them.

Similarly, activities for the 2021 cohort (held on [date]) were centered on expediting thesis completion, considering they were in their third year with limited time compared to their junior peers. Likewise, the activities for the 2020 cohort (will be held on [date]) aimed to support and facilitate the completion of theses for students nearing the end of their studies in mid-2024.

These activities are conducted regularly each semester as part of efforts to ensure the quality of learning and enhance timely graduation in the IKM Master's Program. In addition to this, the students are required to submit written progress in the timeline format to be reported to the coordinator. It is hoped that students remain supported and motivated to complete their studies, even if they have already surpassed two years in the program.