Curriculum Revision Meeting for Udayana University's Master of Public Health Program

On August 7, 2024, a follow-up meeting was held in the Program Coordinator's office at Udayana University to discuss the curriculum revision for the Master of Public Health program. This hybrid meeting, which included both in-person and online participation, was attended by key internal stakeholders such as the Program Coordinator, the Quality Assurance Team, Coordinators of each major (concentration), home-based lecturers, and administrative staff.

This meeting was a continuation of previous intensive discussions on the curriculum, which had been conducted at various levels, including nationally with the Indonesian Public Health Association (AIPTKMI) and the Ministry of Health, as well as within the Postgraduate Program, the Faculty of Medicine, and with local stakeholders like the Provincial and District Health Departments and hospitals.

The focus of the meeting was to adjust the courses and credit hours in alignment with Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation No. 53 of 2023, along with internal university guidelines. Based on a review of the existing curriculum, adjustments were made for semesters I, II, III, and IV. In the first semester, the course on Biostatistics was separated from Data Management and Information Systems, with an increase in credit hours. The Environmental Health and Occupational Health course also saw an increase to 3 credits. In the second semester, changes were made to better align with the specific needs of each concentration, incorporating up-to-date scientific developments. New courses were added across all concentration, and internship opportunities were introduced in the Maternal and Child Health/Reproductive Health and Health Service Management specializations to support the Ministry of Education's "Merdeka Belajar" (Independent Learning) initiative. In the III and IV semesters, the courses also increase in credits and subjects.

Despite multiple discussions with various parties, the curriculum changes were implemented swiftly. Moving forward, these changes will be shared with the respective course lecturers, particularly in preparation for the upcoming semester's lesson plans. Additionally, the changes will be documented in writing to obtain official approval for implementation.