Costing Data Collection at Three Districts: Karangasem, Lombok Timur, and Timur Tengah Selatan

Following the complete development of costing instruments, the important steps with regards to the Koneksi Study is to performed data collection in three districts at study site. Bali team has hired expert for economic evaluation dr. Wayan Citra Sucipta Putri, MPH and two alumnae of Bachelor of Public Health who had experienced in costing data collection previously. Despite, Bali Koneksi permanent team also support the process of data collection to ensure the completeness and data accuracy.

It was unexpected that the Pekan Imunisasi Nasional (National Weekly Immunization) for polio also in the same time of planned data collection. Thus, the planned schedule was quite change in the public health center since the health staff have to intensively conducted immunization at that time. However, the support from the public health center staff as well as the District Health Office staff were continuously existed. These made the running of costing data collection were quite well and complete. 

The data collection in Karangasem District was started on 25 of July 2024 and continued again on 6 of August 2024. Two public health centers were appointed by the head of the District Health Offices as samples: PHC Kubu II and PHC Karangasem I. These two separation dates were related to the PIN event. Meanwhile the data collection in Timur Tengah Selatan Nusa Tenggara Timur was running on 26 – 28 of July 2024, while the data collection in Lombok Timur is planned after 12 of August. At NTT, two public health centers were visited included PHC Niki-Niki and PHC …….. Indeed, the public health centers are in the running of PIN, thus it is difficult to perform two activities on the same time while human resources are limited. 

It can be said that the data collection for costing in Karangasem and Timur Tengah Selatan have been finish and ready to be cleaned and analyzed.